Hi friends.
I'm doing colonial figures for Second Afghan War / Battle of Maiwand. The painted figures below are the regular infantry of the Afghan Army. Made conversions of figures Hat , using mass, white metal, sculpting heads and glue. After some research on the uniforms worn by afghan regular troops, painted Infantry Kabul (brown and blue jackets), infantry Herati (yellow jackets) and mutineers infantry Kandahar (red jackets).
I hope you enjoy the ideas.
Jaques Brazil.
Oi amigos.
Estou fazendo figuras coloniais para Segunda guerra Afegã/ Batalha de Maiwand. As figuras pintadas abaixo são a infantaria regular do exército afegão. Conversões feitas de figuras Hat, usando massa, metal branco, cabeças de escultura e colagem. Depois de alguma pesquisa sobre os uniformes usados por tropas regulares afegãs, pintado Infantaria Cabul (marrom e azul jaquetas), infantaria Herati (casacos amarelos) e amotinados infantaria Kandahar (casacos vermelhos).
Espero que gostem das idéias.
Jaques Brasil.
Many thanks to jacques.
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