Dated: June 28, 2011
This is my DBA I-42 Neo-Elamite Army.
The Elamites lived in what is now Iran, although their origin is uncertain. Their Capital was Susa, later a Royal City of Persia. They fought many wars against Assyria. They repeatedly supported Babylonians in their rebellions against their Assyrian Oberlords.
The bulk of the Elamite Army were light archers, most on foot, but some beeing transported on special carts (kallapani).
These are treated as LCh//3Bw i DBA, meaning, the LCh may be substituted for a 3Bw during the game.
with all options = 16 Elements):
0-1x HCh (Gen)
0-1x LCh//3Bw (Gen)
2x LCh//3Bw
7x 3Bw
1x 2Ps
1x 2LH
All figures are Hät, some Hät/Airfix Reissues.
HäT Assyrian Allies: Most figures.
HäT Assyrian Chariot: The HCh
HäT (Airfix) Ancient Britons: The LCh (Kallapani)
HäT (Airfix) Romans: The HCh's horses.
HäT Theban Army: The Scouts' Horses.
Hope, You enjoy
Reinhard Sabel
The first 3 elements are shown here:
DBA-42 Neo-Elamite 2LH (Scouts)
DBA-42 Neo-Elamite 3Bw (Archers)
DBA-42 Neo-Elamite LCh (Kallapani)
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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