Dated: November 18, 2008.
Attached are images of a test spue of HaT's new Grenzers painted as the 1st Szeckle-Grenzregiment. These frontier militiamen were an increasingly important arm of the Austro-Hungarian army in the Napoleonic Wars. These semi-professional soldiers were natural light infantrymen known for their keen marksmanship and feildcraft, but equally effective at close-order drill. Every Grenzregiment had one or more company of Serezans, highly disciplined bashibazook-like soldiers who served in the frontier militia as scouts, gendarmes, and staff sergeants.
Both of the Szeckle-Grenzregements were among the first allied units to see action on the morning of Austerlitz, and they held a key position in the rear guard of the allied retreat. In 1805, the 1st regiment wore off-white coats, as shown here, while the 2d regiment wore the brown coats which later became the signature color of all the Grenz militia.
This kit is very well done and fills a considerable gap in the armies of Austria-Hungary.
S. M. Mannix
U. S. A.
Painted test shots - Austrian Grenz
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