Dated: July 01, 2011
A slightly modified version of HaT test shots of WWII German wagon and figures.
The kit depicts a Hf2 (heavy wagon) that generally was drawn by a 4 horse team, but there exist plenty of photos featuring it drawn only by 2 horses. Horses by Revell, chains for horses by Dragon, scratch-built reins and extension and details of wagon pole and I also replaced traces with scratch built ones. I wanted to present it a little modified while I intend to make it in standard format, when the market version will be ready. For sure, an excellent kit, perfectly suitable both for wargamers and diorama builders. Hope you will enjoy it.
O versiune cu mici modificari a test shot-ului carutei si figurinelor HaT apartinand armaetei germane in WWII.
Kitul reprezinta o caruta Hf2 (caruta grea) care in general era trasa de 4 cai, insa exista numeroase fotografii prezentand-o trasa doar de 2 cai. Caii sunt Revell, lanturi pentru cai de la Dragon, haturi scratch-built si in plus, am inlocuit funiile cu unele scratch-build si am prelungit stalpul carutei (de care se fixeaza caii prin lanturi) , in plus detaliand si capatul care se termina cu un carlig.. Am vrut sa o prezint putin modificata, deoarece in format standard, cu caii originali o voi face cand vrianta pentru piata va fi gata. In mod cert, acesta este un kit excelent atat pentru wargameri cat si pentru dioramisti. Sper sa va placa aceasta varianta.
Cristian Florescu
Webmasters note: This is an early test shot where the wagon has not been leveled therefore it sits higher in the front, the production model corrects that fault.
Many thanks to Mr. Florescu. and - All rights reserved. Any unauthorized or commerical use of content or images are violations of applicable laws and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any trademark usage or proprietary images on this page are only for the purposes of review or such, and is considered fair dealing and permissible under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988 (UK). Copyright 2011.