Dated: January 25, 2011
A very pleasant surpise from HaT, benefitting by good sculpture, proper size, and nice stances, fully apropriate to their destination. In addition, the poses offers the possibilty of setting not only in/on vehicles, but aso on the ground, as troopers at rest on various items such as stairs, rocks, tree trunks, chairs, ammunition boxes, trenches etc. Through the appearance of this set, featuring figures not requiring assembly, there has been filled in an important gap in the field of WWII Germans.
O surpiza foarte placuta de la HaT, beneficiind de o buna sculptura, dimensiuni corecte, pozitii interesante si conforme cu destinatia lor. In plus, pozitiile ofera posibilitatea aranjarii nu numai pe sau in vehicule, dar si pe pamant, ca soldati odihnindu-se pe diverse obiecte cum ar fi scari, pietre, trunchiuri de copaci, scaune, cutii de munitie, transee, etc.
Prin aparitia acestui set, incluzand figurine ce nu necesita asamblarea, a fost umplut un gol important in domeniul armatei germane in WWII.
Cristian Florescu
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