Dated: May 23, 2010
More pictures from the fictitious Sudan game: The Battle of Mhebja.
Hadendowa infantry , Nile river section, Naval Brigade
Bradley Coles
Ansar Warriors
Roger Wood
The amazing gunboat Abukir
Dave Houston
Terrain, buildings, British Figs, scenario, narrative
Gavin Bowden
Rules used were the excellent 'Battles for Empire'.
One adaptation we have made to the rules is to include an additional dice for firing and melee which gives a quicker result and tends to 'jolly up' the party a bit.
A plug for plastics:
The terrain, figures, models, etc were assembled and produced for little more than pocket fact the buildings and terrain cost a grand total of $25. (Scrap polystyrene packing, cheap test pots of paint, PVA glue, twigs, sand and rocks from the garden, cheap bits & bods from craft stores)
I would urge all gamers to seriously consider 20mm plastics as a viable alternative to 28mm lead or plastics. My Front Rank, Foundry and Essex figs still have a place in my cabinet but I couldn't have dreamt of doing this scenario in lead without prior approval from my bank manager.
Gavin Bowden, New Zealand
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