Dated: October 16, 2006.
By Reinhard Sabel of Germany
Here come the pictures of my DBA-Army of Urartu.
Most figures are HäT Assyrian Auxilliaries, some are HäT Assyrian Infantry (The Foot Guards), others are from other companies.
Greetings from Germany, Reinhard
(Webmaster: Many of you might ask, what the...... is the Urartu army, and many of you have asked who do the Assyrians fight against? The answer to both these questions can be found here.)
The Army of Urartu arrayed
Uartian King (0-1x HCh-Gen)
The Urartian Commander in Chief in heavy Chariot. (Sublist B)
Charioteers (1x LCh)
Noble Charioteers (Sublist B) or Commander in early Urartu-Army (Sublist A)
Cavalry (1-2x 3Cv)
Uartian or Scythian mercenary Horsemen
Elite Heavy Infanty (0-1x 4Sp)
The Royal Guard. Armed in Assyrian fashion.
Elite Infantry (0-1x 4Ax)
Regular Light Troops.
Line Infantry (6-9x 3Ax)
The main body of warriors, representing normal light infantrymen.
Armed with spears and wicker shields.
Levy (1x 7Hd)
Contingent of rather poorly equipped miitia.
Skirmishers (1x 2Ps)
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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