Dated: July 25, 2006.
DBA II/72(d) EARLY FRANKS by Reinhard Sabel of Germany
Greetings from Germany, Reinhard
3Cv (Gen) - Frankish Chieftain on horseback (HäT Gothic Cavalry plus one head conversion from HäT Franks on the left)
4Wb (Gen) The Warband General. (All Figures HäT Franks, the Chieftain´s head Orion Viking, the standard Revell Anglo-Saxon)
(Ed. This army has two commander options, the mounted option with 3 mounted figures (top), or the below option, 4 foot figures.)
2Ps Skirmishers (HäT Frank Javelinman & HäT Visigoth Archer)
4Wb-Warriors (10 stands)
4Wb The Warrior Horde. (All figures HäT Franks - only one head converted from a gothic cavalry-man, who got the frankish head instead. Can you tell, where it is?)
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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