Dated: June 3, 2006.
DBA II/53 ANCIENT BRITISH. 55BC - 75AD by Reinhard Sabel of Germany
Greetings from Germany, Reinhard
Most figures are from the famous Airfix Set (Now re.issued by HäT) from the 60's. Although this set is fairly old, it still compares quite well to current sets. The only exceptions are the LH (HäT Celtic Cavalry) and the Druid (a tin figure).
The British King (0-1x LCh-Gen)
The British King riding a chariot. Might be Cassivelaunus fighting Caesar, or Caratacus fighting Claudis´ legions...
The British King (0-1x 4Wb-Gen)
The British Warrior King with standard-bearer and druid.
The Chariotry (0-3x LCh)
The Chariots are from the HäT (Airfix-Reissue) set, but the wheels have been changed. They are from Nexus (Atlantic reissue) "Egyptian Cavalry" (rather Chariotry).
The Warriors (5-9x 3Wb)
The main British battle line, consisting of wild warriors, in loose formations.
The Skirmishers (0-4x 2Ps)
The British missile troops, including the very typical slingers.
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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