Dated: September 19th, 2006.
I am attaching some pictures of figures of battle of Talavera. Some of them are Hat and other are Revell, Esci, Airfix or metal home-made. The standard of painting is very low, but I am mainly interested to play battles.
By Rafa Pardo of Spain.
British Anson Brigade
British Brigade
British Heavy Dragoons
British Heavy Dragoons
Spanish Cavalry
Spanish Infantry
Spanish Line Cavalry
Many thanks to Mr. Rafael Pardo (Spain). - All rights reserved. Any unauthorized or commerical use of content or images are violations of applicable laws and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any trademark usage or proprietary images on this page are only for the purposes of review or such, and is considered fair dealing and permissible under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988 (UK). Copyright 2005.