Dated: December 19, 2006.
Hi: I'm sending you another contribution from Poland. this time rep. roman hastati. I hope you'll have good time watching the pics.
Best Rgds
Jakub Mroczkowski
Webmaster's notes in parenthesis.
1) (Compare the poverty of this early Roman soldier, not yet called a legionary, with the later versions. He wears the simplest of armor, a simple square breastplate that you or I could make and only a single greave. But he is already armed with the accoutrements which will make him feared and famous across the 7 seas, the pilum, the short sword, the scutum and Roman determination.)
2) (He carries at least 2 pila, a long and a short distance one.)
3) (Note how large the scutum is. The scutum, the evolutionary vehicle for a shorter man. Later on, the greave would not be needed.)
4) (Once the pila are thrown, he becomes a swordsman. Inverse size matters. The short gladius trumps the long slashing sword.)
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