Dated: August 2, 2006.
British Cavalry Charge by Martin Ederveen from the Netherlands
Here are agian some photo's of some of my painted figures.
This time they present the British heavy cavalry charging the French infantry columns. First there are the Life Guards, a part of the Household Cavalry. Left of them are the 1st Dragoons (King's) Dragoon Guards, the 6th Dragoons (Inniskillings) and on the right the 2nd Dragoons (Scots Greys). Dragoon horses are a mix of HäT and Italeri.
The massive French columns are presented by some French fusiliers (HäT 8041) and French fusiliers in greatcoats, painted conversions of Young Guard set 8034.
On my planned diorama there will be over 1400 French infantry.
Martin Ederveen
Kampen, the Netherlands
Life Guards
1st and 6th Dragoons
Scots Greys
British Cavalry
Many thanks to Mr. Ederveen
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