Dated: January 24, 2006.
Hello, I'm Marcin Sowa from Warsaw in Poland. I decided to take some pictures of my ancient soldiers first. As I mentioned, I use them for wargaming - I use DBA house rule set. I mount my figures on a 6x8 centimeters basis, usually 6-8 figures in two rows for haevy infantry, 5-6 figures for light and warband, and 3-4 for psiloi. There are 2 or 3 figures on a cavalry base, and 2 elephants with their escort. My ancient army consist of 800 figures (about 170 bases) and I have a Kartaginian, Republic Roman, Gallic, Persian, Greek and Macedonian army. The core of my ancient forces are HAT figures, but I also paint figures of other manufacturers. The names of pictures describes what kind of soldier they presents. Sincerely, Macin Sowa.
Comments by webmaster.
Iberian heavy cavalry
Iberian light horse
Iberian heavy foot. Scutartii, so named because of those big oval shields.
Iberian Auxilia. Caetrati, so named because of those small round leather bucklers.
Balearic slingers. So named because they hail from the Balearic Islands off the coast of Spain.
Many thanks to Mr. Sowa.
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