Dated: January 24, 2006.
Nubian Army by Reinhard Sabel of Germany
All comments by webmaster.
DBA I/3 Nubian 3000BC - 1543BC
There are 12 elements (12 stands of figures) in DBA.
This army is composed of:
1X3Bw (Gen)
9x2Ps or 3Bw
This is the 1 X 3 Bw. It is a stand of 3 bowmen including the commander in the middle.
These are the 2 x 3 Wb. There are two stands, and each should have 3 Wb figures in them, but Mr. Sabel put 4 on each stand instead. The Wb stands for warband, and were the irregular foot figures which employed the ferocious charge (the Celts would be the defining example of this type).
9 X 2 Ps. There are 9 stands of 2 psiloi. The psiloi are dispersed skirmishers. Psiloi can use any ranging weapon such as slings, bows, javelins, darts, rocks, bows, crossbows or even hand guns.
9 X 3 Bw. This is the alternate choice for the "light" elements, 9 stands of 3 bowmen each. The Bw are close formation bowmen, crossbowmen, longbowmen, etc. The Bw would have different offense and defensive qualities from the Ps.
This is the army arrayed. 12 elements of figures. (All figures made from #8079 Nubians.)
Many thanks to Mr. Sabel.
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