Dated: February 7, 2006.
Here are four pictures of my French Footartillery from 1815
They are conversions of Hat Austrian Artillery, Hat French Horseartillery, Hat/Airfix French Footartillery and many other figures.
Also you can see a French artillerycolonel who's angry when his 12 pounder got stuck in thick Belgium mud. His horse is from Hat Mounted French Grenadiers, his sjako from Hat Chasseurs à Cheval and the man himself was once a French Dragoon from Italerie. French fourage caps are made of acrylic-paste. Next to this Colonel you can see a Hat Young Guard Voltigeur converted into a French Foot Artillerist in greatcoat.
My artillery was inspired by pictures from Mr. Peter Styk from Slovakia, my favourite painter/convertor of 20mm Napoleonic historic figures. So many compliments to Mr. Styk!
Kindest regards,
Mr. Cryns from Holland
French 12 pounder got stuck in the mud
Many thanks to Mr. Cryns.
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