Dated: January 24, 2006.
Barbarian Army by Andreas Brueggemann of Germany
Attached please find pictures of my "Warhammer Ancient Battles" - Barbarian Army in 1/72. The vast majority are HAT Figures, completed with some figures of other brands. The painting is done especially for gaming-purpose. It took me 4 weeks to paint this 370 piece army. Best regards, Andreas Brueggemann
(Figures made from HaT 7011 Ancient Britons, HaT 8068 Dacians, HaT 8074 Roman Numerii, HaT 8069 Ancient Germans, HaT 8022 Gallic Cavalry, and the Gauls from HaT 8056 Carthaginian Allies.)
The army includes nearly 370 models for ca. 3100 pts, taking the Warhammer Ancient Battle rulebook as basis.
The barbarian "KAMAR-Zinnfiguren-Shop" army.
5 light chariots, including leader and chieftain.
4x chariot + leader 149 pts, chieftain on chariot 89 pts
Twohand weapon equipped Mountaintribesmen
20 troopers including leader 145pts
Mountaintribesmen including chieftain
25 troopers + standard/leader/musician 165 pts, chieftain 75 pts.
50 Warriors + standard/leader/musician + Chieftain
265pts + 75pts
50 Fanatic warriors + standard/leader/musician including shaman
465pts + 75pts
70 Warriors + standard/leader/musician + chieftain
365pts + 75pts
50 Warriors + standard/leader/musician + Chieftain
265pts + 75pts
40 (4x10) skirmishers with slings and buckler - 200pts
(Also the army includes 60 archers (240pts), some of them you can see in
the background of the pictures)
13x Light cavalry + standard/leader/musician
169 pts
The army also includes a Warlord on chariot for 159 pts and a battle standard for 52 pts, which are not represented on the pictures.
Many thanks to Mr. Brueggemann.
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