Dated: August 22, 2004.
Mini-diorama by Björn Bergérus.
Swedish Line Infantry by Björn Bergérus
Swedish Artillery by Erik Hygrell (Conversions from Airfix' French Artillery)
French by Björn Bergérus and Erik Hygrell.
Photo by Pia-Evelyne Bäckman.
Swedish Line Infantry 1813 with General and Captain, by Björn Bergérus. Figures include three conversions:
Non-Commissioned Officer (should probably not wear a knapsack) carrying a company colour of the Regiment of Skaraborg. Cartridge-pouch cut away, sword added (an assumed attribute of the colour-bearer). Note the plume in yellow and blue.
Flag bearers
Company Jägare (Sharpshooter) with green crest and plume (the added crest is made out of glue).
Figure in "kapott" (what the greatcoat with the attached waist-long cape over the shoulders was called) - conversion made from an ACW-figure (waist-belt cut away) with a HäT-head and an added bayonet scabbard (piano-wire) to the catridge-pouch. - All rights reserved. Any unauthorized or commerical use of content or images are violations of applicable laws and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any trademark usage or proprietary images on this page are only for the purposes of review or such, and is considered fair dealing and permissible under the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988 (UK). Copyright 2004.