Dated: August 25, 2003.
Box and sprue.
The King's German Legion were the British King George III's German subjects (he was also the Elector of Hanover.) These KGL Light Dragoons can also be used as English Light Dragoons as they wore the same uniforms. More information can be found by reading Osprey's MAA #339 (The King's German Legion) by Mike Chappell, ISBN# 9 781855 329973. They fought in all theatres of war from the Peninsular War to Waterloo.
Figures painted by Eric Williamson
Painting guide - By Ted Schulz
All colors are Testors unless otherwise stated.
coat,side pouch,sash--blue 2031
pants--gray, 2113
scabbard,collar middle,back pouch,hat--black
hat plume,coat front,sash stripe,cuffs,collar,side pouch trim--red
brit.crim. 2009
officer gloves,side pouch design,epaulette,straps,hat plume tip,hat
trim--white (office epaul.&strap=gold)
gun,hair--brown ital.dark 2111
hat chain & emblem, tassels--silver (officer=gold)
officer sash stripe, chin strap(on hat), buttons, strap buckle--gold
hands, face--flesh
gun barrel--gun metal 1795
hat top, shoes--black
blanket & roll--blue 2031
blanket trim--red brit.crim. 2009 (officer=gold)
saddle--camouflage gray 1733
blanket & roll design--white
base--green 2029
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