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Greetings to all enthusiasts, before you write us, please note:

  1. Thank you for enquiring, but this domain name is not for sale.
  2. We do not sell direct to the public. To purchase, please try your high street hobby shop first. If you cannot find them locally please write us at the e-mail below and we will help you look.
  3. Writing us:
    a) If you are sending a contribution and wish to list your name, e-mail, blog, or any other information you agree to hold us harmless for any consequence that may occur as a result of it.
    b) We reserve the right not to post any contribution. Due to space and time considerations we are only posting contributions made from HaT figures.
    c) Any ideas or suggestions offered to us, solicited or otherwise, will be considered gratis and it will be understood that we will be free to use them without repercussion or recompense.

Thank you!

Comments, suggestions, questions, and texts for contributions.
Please send here:
Pictures such as jpegs and gifs for contributions and any other attachments.
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